Usually my post about our trip to Colorado are so long and picture filled I have to split them up into several different posts. This time all the pictures that I have came from either Fred's phone or mine. I held Adilene practically the entire trip so I didn't have any hands for the camera. I am going to do it all in one post so it will probably be a long post.
The kids and I flew out a few days before Fred. This time we had to buy Adilene a ticket since she just turned 2. I thought that this would make the flights easier because I knew that we would have an entire row to ourself. There were about 10 other small children on the flight and so I figured if one of the kids cried they wouldn't be the only one. However, the kids did great and didn't get upset the entire time. Adilene sat by herself the whole flight and only laid her head on my lap when she took a short nap. When we landed in Denver my dad was there to pick us up. On our way to the valley we stopped and ate Mexican food. We didn't get to my parents until dark but Hadley and Emerson were there to play with us. The kids gave hugs and then ran around like crazy.

The next day the kids and I tried to get use to the time change and we all took several naps throughout the day. That night Jed and his girls came over again to play. Jed had to leave because he was on call so his girls spent the night. The next morning My parents had to go to work and so I had all 4 kids all morning. We all had such a great time we cooked together and then everyone got a bath. The kids had so much fun playing together.
On Saturday we went out to grandma Margaret's house so she could see the kids for a while then I headed back to drop off the kids for a nap and headed to Denver to pick up Fred. I left a little early to do some shopping but didn't get to Honey Backed Ham before it closed so after I picked up Fred we ended up staying the night. We got the ham on Sunday and then headed back to the valley.
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were filled with visiting family, trying to get the kids to nap in the car, and we even fit in a trip to the movie theater, and bowling. Fred and I got to go see the new Hunger Games movie and my parents took the Kids to the Peanuts movie. Adilene didn't really have that much fun but Blaiden loved it. We also had to do a little shopping. I wanted to get all the gifts that needed to be in Colorado so that I didn't have to worry about shipping anything.

On Thanksgiving we headed up to Creede to spend some time with Fred's family. Blaiden and Adilene got to play with some cousins that they had never met and we ate a great meal. Once naptime came we headed back to my parents house for our 2nd dinner. My side was having dinner at my parents and so we made it just in time to eat again. The kids ended the night by playing with cousins and having a great time. Friday we didn't have a vehicle so we stayed at my parents house and rested for most of the day then went into town later that night to finish up some shopping.

Sunday Fred and I headed up to Denver for the second weekend in a row to go to the Bronco's football game. Fred's season tickets seats were drawn to go down on the field to help hold the huge United States Flag before the game. It was so fun and we got to be so close to the players. Jed and Kaitlyn were also at the game so it was so fun spending a little time with them. It snowed the entire game but the game was so good that I didn't really get cold until the end of the 4th quarter and in overtime. The Bronco's won and so Fred was in an especially good mood.
We had to spend the night so I could take Fred back to the airport. It was a very relaxing morning on Monday. We stayed in bed until we knew the roads would be a little more cleared off from the snow, wasted time by shopping, and then I went and dropped Fred off at noon even though his flight didn't leave until 7 so I could get over the pass before it froze.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were filled with visiting family more, Blaiden playing with Hadley, picking up kitties from Grandma Margaret, getting a sewing lesson from Granny, more bowling, and packing up to get ready to come home.
Friday we left to Denver after my mom got off work around 2pm. On our way through we ended up stopping at an ER in springs (I will talk about this in an entirely different post). After a rough night in a hotel we made it to the airport. My parents both got passes so that they could go through security with us and waited until we got on the plane. The flight was perfect, the kids played in their seats for a while then they both took a nap. Fred was right there to pick us up and bring us home.
It was a fun trip over all but we were all very happy to be sleeping in our own beds again. Although Blaiden did ask why I wasn't sleeping with him like I had at G-ma's house.