December 12, 2017

Kallie is 4 months old

Four Months Old

My Appearance:  I am 24.75 inches long and 13 pounds 4 ounces today.  I am still looking long and skinny.  I am growing fast this month and, so I am I still in size 1 diapers and 3-month clothes, but I won’t be for much longer.  My hair is also growing more and it is looking a little more brown.  I have a few strands that are longer then the others but you can’t really tell unless I have had a hat on.  My eyes are still a dark blue but are lightening up a little.  I still have my dimple when I smile. My cheeks still get most of the comments because they are pretty round.   

Milestones:  I did a lot more practice, practice, practice, this month.  I am getting much stronger now and don’t mind tummy time as much.  I also love standing holding onto someone.  I never want to lay down because I think I will miss something and so my head is always up looking around.  I love to watch Blaiden and Adilene play.  I sit in my Bumbo chair a lot and watch mom in the kitchen. One major milestone I had this month was sleeping through the night.  I go to bed around 8 and I slept until 6 then next morning.  Mommy was so excited and hoped I would make it a habit but I’m not ready for that and only did it that one time. 

Daily Routine:  I have my routine down now.  I wake up at 8, eat, then take Blaiden and Adilene to school.  Mom and I have the morning to play or go to the store.  I eat again, take a nap, and then Adilene is home from school.  We play and have fun together then its time for another nap.  When I wake up I eat and then play some more.  Blaiden gets home from school and we all hang out together for a little while but I need one final nap to make it to bedtime.  The nights are my favorite because everyone is home and there is always someone for me to watch.  I eat again before bedtime at 8 and then sleep pretty good and only wake up to eat once in the night.  While playing I have found I can move my arms and legs.  I never sit still anymore and am always swinging them around.  I am also grabbing onto things a lot more which is fun because then I can put them in my mouth. 

Special Events: This month I went to my first pumpkin patch with Adilene’s school.  I wasn’t that into it and slept most of the time.  I also went to my first NFL game.  This was much more entertaining, and I did stay awake for parts of the game.  I went to see Niagara Falls.  Again, I was not that interested and so I slept for most of this too.   

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