April 23, 2014

Sibling Love

When you add another child to a family I thought they would just squeeze into your heart but in reality your heart grows to fit in that new little addition.  One child filled my heart completely, another has added to this and filled a void I didn't know I had. If this is as big as our family ever is then I am truly happy, if we have another then we will be even more blessed!

I am still amazed as to how much I love my kids, it seems unreal that I can actually love someone so much that when I really think about it, it brings tears to my eyes.  I thought that this was strongest feeling I would ever feel in my life.  I was proven wrong when I witnessed the small acts of love my kids show each other.

Blaiden will ask to hold Adilene, bring her a toy, or lay down beside her.  These little things only last a minute or two but when I watch him in this time I can see the love he has for her already.  Adilene is so in love with Blaiden.  Whenever he is around she is watching him.  No one can hold her attention like he does.  She knows his voice and will look to find him if she hears it.

I can't imagine my life without these two and I know how important it is for this relationship to grow.  I can't wait for all the ways that they will show each other their love for one another.

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