May 27, 2014

Mother's Day

Every Mother's Day just gets better and better.  The kids woke up about the same time as always and we started our day out like any other.  Fred got up a little later and had Blaiden give me my gift.  Fred had to go to his truck to get it and when he went outside we found out that Fedex had dropped off some Sherry's Berries (thanks Larry and Tonja) late on Saturday night that we didn't know about.  Blaiden got a little distracted by that and so we had to open those first and he helped me eat a few.  Then I opened the gift from Fred and the kids.  It was another charm for my Pandora bracelet, this year it was a charm with Adilene's birthstone.  I love it so much!  The rest of the day was spent together as a family, we grilled out, played outside, and enjoyed the nice weather.  It was a great day.  Being a Mom is the best thing I could have ever done!

May 9, 2014

Half a year Already!

Six Months Old

My Appearance:  I am now 25 3/4 (38%) inches tall and weigh 16lbs 13oz (60%), my head circomference is 16 1/4 (14%) inches.  My head is still a little small and so not many of my headbands fit.  My hair is growing but you still can’t really see it.  I have rubbed a bald spot on the back last month but now it has grown to the sides a little so it looks a lot bigger now.  My eyes are still blue they are getting lighter and brighter.  I don’t have any teeth yet but I stick my hands in my mouth all the time so they might be coming soon.  I still have all my rolls.  When my arms are bent Mommy said she counted 7 creases.  I have a big round belly and my legs have just as many rolls as my arms.  My personality is coming out more as I get older and I am showing everyone that I am laid back.  I don’t get upset very often and there is not much that makes me cry, even when my brother accidentally 
hits me.

Milestones:  At the beginning of the month I started to roll over from my back to my belly.  In the past month I have become a pro at this and now whenever I am on my back I roll right over to be on my belly.  I haven’t done this in bed yet because every night when Mommy puts me to bed she asks me to stay on my back, I guess Ill listen to her for a little while longer.  I am also getting a lot stronger.  My head control is getting better and I am working on sitting (with support).  I am also trying to move around.  It takes a lot of work and some time but I can turn myself around while I am on my belly.  I have also started to grab things.  When Mommy is holding my I always can get some hair and I don’t like to let go.      

Daily Routine:  My schedule has not changed that much in the past month.  I sleep all night long, get up around 7 and go to bed around 8.  During the day I eat 5 times and take 3 naps.  My afternoon nap is the longest at around 2 hours.  When I am awake I like to play on the floor.  I have been going outside more and am starting to enjoy it a bit more; I still don’t like the wind.  About 30 minutes before I got to bed I get very giggly.  Mommy and Daddy tickle me and make me laugh so hard.  This makes them laugh and it is my favorite time of the day.

Special Events:  I celebrated my first Easter holiday this month.  I didn’t do much to celebrate but I had fun watching Blaiden do stuff.  We had a great time as a family. 

Easter 2014

Easter weekend was one that I enjoyed so much.  It started on Friday when we died eggs.  I was watching a 7 year old boy that Blaiden loves and so I thought it would be fun to do together.  I knew that it was going to be messy so I laid out a ton of newspaper.  I also knew that Blaiden would do whatever he wanted and we wouldn't have the most beautiful eggs and I was okay with that.  The 7 year old however was not. It was so funny because he was getting very stressed when Blaiden would use his hands to get the egg out of the dye or go from one color to the next so I gave him a few eggs that Blaiden couldn't touch.  I had to keep saying there are no rules Blaiden can decorate however he wants.  Blaiden had a blast and was very disappointed when all the eggs were colored.  Later that night we did some practice egg hunts.  Blaiden was a pro by the end and I was sure that he was going to do great at the eggs hunts we were going to on Saturday.

Saturday morning we all got ready to go and met up with some other friends for our first Easter egg hunt.  We did a few fun things like take a picture with the Easter bunny, sit in a fire truck, and got his face painted.  When it was time for the egg hunt he was in the 0-2 age group.  They has a small area marked off and there were a ton of eggs just laying on the ground.  When they blew the whistle to go Blaiden just took off and ran into the middle of the field, when he noticed there were eggs he tried to stop but his momentum carried him forward and he did a summer-sault.  Then he started picking up as many eggs as he could, after it was over (about 60 seconds after it started) Blaiden went around and picked up all the half eggs that were lying around.  Adilene hung out in the stroller for most of the time.  I think she enjoyed being outside. 

We waited around for a few hours and then went to another egg hunt.  This time the age group was 0-6 and there were 15,000 eggs all laying  around.  Blaiden knew what to do this time and when we said go he started picking up eggs left and right.  This one lasted a little bit longer then the first one.  Adilene slept most of this egg hunt and we didn't stay long after it was over.  We finally were home for the day, we had way to much candy, and 2 grouchy kids by 7PM because they didn't have very good naps.  Overall it was a fantastic day, we all had fun.

Easter morning Blaiden slept in a little while because he was so tired from yesterday.  Both the kids woke up at the same time so Adilene got to join in on the fun.  When I went in to get Blaiden we were talking and all the sudden he said "Easter bunny!"  He was so excited to see the eggs he brought.  When he walked into the living room he found his basket and dug through it, then went through Adilene's showing her what she got.  I was trying to get him to go find the eggs but he took his time.  He would find one, open it up, go do something else and then find another one later.  The whole precess took about an hour.  We had a great day as a family.  Every holiday is getting more and more fun, I love that Blaiden is understanding more of what is going on.

May 7, 2014


Blaiden is a character and he makes us laugh on a daily basis.  In the past few months there have been a few stories that I want to remember so I thought I should write them down.  I think that Blaiden will like to read these in the future.

First a few months back we had some plumbers come into the house to do some work in the basement.  Long story short they didn't ventilate like they should and our carbon monoxide alarm went off in the house.  We had to call the fire department and were stuck outside for about 3 hours.  In that time Blaiden was playing around in the sun room where we have been trying to catch a mouse that had been in there all winter.  Fred and I were talking to a fireman in the garage when we hear Blaiden start to cry.  We ran into the sun room and found him standing next to a tripped mouse trap.  He must have quick reflexes because he only got a scrape on his thumb.  It scared us so much we went around and tripped all the other traps we had around the room.

Blaiden has started to love to be in the kitchen with me while I cook and do dishes.  It started when we brought Adilene home.  I would be in the kitchen several times a day cleaning the bottles and my pumping supplies.  I think Blaiden saw this opportunity for him to "help" and spend time with mommy.  How could I say no to him wanting to be around me and help take care of his new baby sister.  I had gotten some castiron skillets for Christmas and was trying to get one skillet really seasoned.  I had it in the oven so every time I preheated it would heat the pan.  Once I was ready to put dinner in the oven I would take out the pan.  One day Blaiden thought it would be a good idea to grab the skillet I just pulled out of the oven.  Of course he burnt his hand.  I have learned that I am not very calm when it comes to my own kids because I grabbed him and came running into the living room yelling "he burnt his hand, he burnt his hand!!"  I could hardly remember what hand he burnt when Fred asked me.  Again his reflexes (and mine) saved him and he only had a small burn.  He still remembers the incidence and so I have to say I am thankful that it happened. It has helped him learn a very valuable lesson.

One morning Blaiden, Adilene, and I were doing what we do every morning.  Blaiden was eating breakfast, he had requested peanuts that day, I was feeding Adilene and cartoons were on.  Just as I was getting done feeding Adilene Blaiden gets off the couch and stands right in front of me and says "Mom me peanut nose."  I put Adilene down and looked up his nose and sure enough there was a peanut right there.  I tried to push it out but Blaiden said it hurt.  I knew that Fred was on his way home so I called him to see what I should do.  He said he would be home soon and could get it out.  Looking back I should have tried harder to get it out because he sneezed and instead of it coming out it got sucked up farther into his nose.  Fred came home and he got to work.  It took about 15 minutes but Fred finally got it and there was only a little blood.  Blaiden still jokes and pretends to put things in his nose.  I think he likes the reaction I give him because then he starts laughing showing that he didn't really put it in his nose.  I am not sure I like that joke.

Blaiden is a climber.  We have known this for quite a while, he wants to see what he can get into and he wants to be independent so I have found him in quite a few precarious situations.  We have a half wall that is about 4 feet tall around the stairs going into the basement.  We have had to move everything away from the wall because we are worried that he will fall over the wall.  The other morning I was feeding Adilene on the couch and from the kitchen I hear "Mom, Mom, Mom!"  I told him to come here but he just kept yelling so I went in there and he is just sitting on the counter and couldn't get down.  He has learned how to get down now.  Later that week i found him on top of his dresser playing with his humidifier.  He has now became a pro at climbing his dresser and one of his favorite things to do is put money in his pig.