November 16, 2017

Kallie 2 Months Old

Two Months Old

My Appearance:  I am 22 inches long and 9 pounds 1 ounces today.  My hair is growing every day, but it still isn’t very long.  It looks a little more like a light brown.  I still have that dimple when I smile, and my mom says she hopes I never lose it, so I guess it is pretty cute.  I am growing but I am still in newborn clothes and diapers, but the clothes are getting a little tight, so it won’t be long before I need bigger clothes.  My finger and toes are so long, and I am still long and skinny.  My cheeks are filling out a little bit now that I am gaining weight.  A comment that I get all the time is that I look so much like Blaiden.  I hear that from everyone that sees me who also saw Blaiden as a baby, so I guess we look a lot alike. 

Milestones:  One of the most exciting things that I did for the first time this month is smile!  I get a lot of reactions from this, so I like to so it all the time.  I am getting better with my head control and staying awake and alert more.  I am really getting to know my family and love when each of them come and talk to me. 

Daily Routine:  I am eating every 3 hours now but I am having a hard time nursing and so feedings are taking a long time.  The whole process of my trying to nurse and then getting a bottle lasts about an hour.  I think mommy and I are both ready for this to take less time but I am not ready to just nurse all the time.  When I am awake I like to hear Blaiden talk to me and tell me about how all his toys work.  I also love it when Adilene comes and lays by me when I am on the floor.  She always wants to hold my hand and loves to give me kisses.  I also love spending time with daddy.  He is always making me work on tummy time.  Another thing I love doing is going on walks during the day.  Mom puts me in a wrap on her chest and most of the time I fall asleep, but I love being outdoors!

Special Events:  I got to meet my uncle Phillip and aunt Felicia this month.  I was so fun to have more visitors at our house.  I also spent time with my first baby sitter.  It was one of mom’s friends and I was very good for her.  I went to my first baseball game this month to help celebrate Adilene which I had a great time.  I also went to a hamburger festival with my family.  I didn’t get to eat anything but they sure seemed to enjoy it. 

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