December 10, 2017

Kallie 3 Months Old

Three Months Old


My Appearance:  I am 23.25 inches long and 11 pounds 5 ounces today.  I feel like I have grown a lot in this past month.  I am now in size 1 diapers and can no longer fit in newborn clothes and must be put in 3-month clothes.  My hair is growing slowly so it doesn’t look much different from last month.  It is still a light brown.  I have my dimple when I smile so mom is happy about that.  I have been getting a ton of compliments on my eyes and, so I guess this dark blue is pretty gorgeous.  Mom says I look a lot like Blaiden and, so I bet my eyes will lighten up like his did but for now they are a dark deep blue.  I am getting a little meat on my bones but for the most part I am still long and skinny. 

Milestones:  This was a month of practicing all the stuff I know how to do.  I love to lift my head up and take in all the things going around me.  I don’t like to do tummy time, but I will tolerate it a little when daddy makes me do it on the couch with him.  I also love to smile.  I make Mommy and Daddy work at it a little but when I can’t hold it is anymore I have a huge smile that takes up my whole face.  It makes my cheeks look very round.  I don’t know what Mom is doing when she puts her phone in my face, or her camera.  I don’t like those things and, so I will never smile when she has these out.  I am learning that this doesn’t really work, and she just keeps trying so I might have to give in and just start smiling for pictures. 

Daily Routine:  I am very very very excited to say that eating is going so much better.  Now I can just nurse and don’t have to do that and take a bottle.  I think mommy is just as happy as I am.  It makes our time our much more enjoyable because I know I will always have food when I need it.  It also means that Mommy is always around I am kind of a mamma’s girl.  I am still eating every 3 hours.  In between I do a lot of sleeping.  When I am awake I like to lay and watch Blaiden and Adilene play.  Now that I am smiling they want to try and make me smile as much a possible.  I am also getting a little bit of alone time with Mommy.  Blaiden and Adilene started school and so I get the morning wither all to myself.  I am starting to sleep pretty good in the night.  I will sleep for about 6 hours eat then go right back to sleep for about another 3 hours.  I am starting to get use to a routine and I know mommy is happy about that.

Special Events:  I got to see G-ma again this month which is always fun.  I got to spend a little more time with her then I did when I first met her.  I learned that she kisses me almost as much as my mom does.  I got to go to see Blaiden’s and Adilene’s school which I didn’t really care about, so I slept through most of it.  I also went to a couple of Adilene’s doctor appointments.  I went to one of her chemo appointments and was really grouchy because Mom kept me awake and wouldn’t feed me until right before.  I guess she wanted me to sleep for part of It, but I wasn’t missing out on all that attention and refused to sleep.  I got plenty of people to look at me and tell me how cute I am.    

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