January 17, 2018

Adilene 4 years Old

4 Years Old

My Appearance:  I have grown a ton in the past year.  I now weigh 34 pounds and am 35.25 inches tall.  I am in size 4T clothes but this makes my shirt sleeves a little long.  I am in size 6 shoe.  My hair is down past my shoulders and it is very blonde.  I love to do my hair and I even let mommy braid it sometimes.  I am wearing glasses and I will keep them on when I am around mom and dad but then I sneak off to my room to take them off.  My eyes are still blue just like daddy.  Even though I have grown taller I still have a round belly.  It much be cute because that is where mom and dad like to tickle me.  I love shoes but I only like to wear shoes that are comfortable and refuse to walk if I don’t like the shoes. 

Milestones:  I have learned so much this past year.  I started going to preschool and love it so much.  I have no problem telling mom goodbye in the mornings.  I also just started riding the bus home from school and love it, although sometimes I fall asleep.  I have learned several new signs and can communicate almost anything I want with sounds and signs.  I can also say a few words: no, yeah, bye, and book are some of my favorites.    

Daily Routine:  I like to wake up early.  I learned this from Blaiden, but I am usually awake before 7.  If I hear any noise I want to know what is going on and will not go back to sleep.  Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, I love when mom cooks bacon, but I love sausage or oatmeal just as much.  Then I go right to playing.  Right now, I love to play tea party, picnic, cooking in the kitchen, or with my baby dolls.  I also have a little car I love to drive around.  I go to school in the mornings and I get to ride the bus home!  I had to talk mom into this one, but I am so happy she let me.  When I get home I sometimes take a nap, I want to be done with naps, so I fight it most days.  Then I get to play with mom and Kallie.  I love making Kallie laugh and will try almost anything to make her smile at me.  Blaiden gets home and he joins in the fun.  We usually have races from the door to the kitchen and laugh the entire time.  I love to copy him, mom calls me his little shadow.  Then it’s bedtime, I moved into a big girl bed, so I can get in and out myself and love the freedom.  I sleep through the night and am ready to do it all again the next day.

Special Events:  I almost had to celebrate Christmas in the hospital again but got out on Christmas Eve.  I did spend New Year’s in the hospital with mom and Blaiden and I made sure to stay up and give mom a kiss at midnight.  I got to go to Colorado and visit everyone in March, I love going and playing with all my cousins. I got sick right after we got back and had to stay in the hospital for almost 2 weeks.  I had a few more stays in the spring but most were only a couple days.  Then in June I became a big sister!  From the moment I saw Kallie I fell in love.  I love to play with her as much as possible.  A lot of people came to visit us and I love having extra people here that would go wherever I wanted to take them.  I hold my hand out and say “hand” then usually take them to my room to read a book or play with my babies.  I am with my same teachers in school I had last year.  I get so excited every day we drive up to my school building.     

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