December 16, 2013

Adilene 1 Month Old

Last Saturday Adilene turned 1 month old.  I am a week late on this post but with my parents and brother in town I didn't even open my computer until today.

One Month Old

My Appearance:  I went to the doctor a day before my one month birthday and I now weigh 7 pounds 7 ounces and I am 20 ¼ inches long.  My hair is growing but it is really hard to see because it is so light.  Mommy says I look like Daddy because my hair is thin on top but thicker on the sides and back of my head.  My face is very round and when I get mad I can make it wrinkle up and get very red.  My eyebrows are very thin and you can’t really see them, the same goes for my eyelashes.  Mommy says my nose is a button nose, whatever that means.  My eyes are still dark but Mommy and Daddy think that they might turn green like Mommy’s.  I am putting on weight daily and now I don’t have saggy skin like I did when I was born.  My belly is big and round, especially after I have just eaten.  I am getting longer every day too.  My torso is very long.  I also get a lot of kisses on my hands and feet so I guessing they are pretty cute too.

Milestones:  This month has been a month full of firsts.  One of the major firsts is I rolled over!  Mommy was so surprised she scared me after I did it.  I went out to my first restaurant dinner; Mommy didn’t get to eat much because I decided I wanted eat.  I have been on my first mall shopping trip with Mommy.  I took my first bath and loved it. 

Daily Routine:  I am eating every 3 hours.  Eating is a big deal for me because I am very slow.  First Mommy tries to nurse me, when I get tired of that she then feeds me a bottle.  I eat really slowly so this has taken about an hour and then Mommy burps me and I lay down for a while so she can pump.  After that I usually take a nap until it’s time to eat again.  I am usually awake around 1 and I do some tummy time.  Blaiden loves it when I do and is right beside me the entire time.  I have been waking up around 9 or 10 at night and then I don’t want to go back to bed until around midnight.  Mommy doesn’t really like this but she stays up with me anyway.  I then sleep until about 5 when daddy wakes up to go to work. 

Special Events:  Let’s start from the beginning, this month I met my family! I love everyone especially my big brother.  I also got to meet my Gma, Gpa, and Uncle Thad.  I had to go to the hospital for a night when I was 6 days old and be under bright lights because I had a high bili level.  I also got and EKG done and an Echocardiogram.  They found 3 holes in my heart but they are all small enough that I don’t have to have surgery yet.  I went to my first parade, had my first Thanksgiving, and also got to meet all of Mommy’s and Daddy’s friends. 

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