February 11, 2015

Meeting Santa Clause

I wanted to do a separate post about when the kids got to go and meet Santa because I wanted to share some of the pictures I got that day.  We found out that Santa was going to be at our Friday morning playgroup.  Fred and I weren't sure when we would be able to find a time to go see Santa so this sounded perfect.  That morning before we left I told the kids what we were doing when I was trying to take their picture and they both started going crazy.  I think Adilene was just acting like Blaiden but it was cute to see them so excited.

When we arrived it was just a normal day, Blaiden got right into the craft of making a gingerbread house, Adilene was crawling all over the floor playing with different toys, everyone was having a good time.  I had to go and change Adilene's diaper and this is when Santa first walked into the room.  He was on his way to another room where there was a chair and a cute place for pictures.  When I got back Everyone was telling me how Blaiden walked right up and started talking to him, I was sad I missed it.

 Then it was time to go and talk to Santa.  Blaiden was actually a little sad we had to leave the room with all the toys but I told him we would be right back.  When we got into Santa's room he noticed that Santa was giving out candy canes after you talked to him and so he ran right over and sat on his lap.  He loved every second of it! And his candy cane.  He asked for cars, books, and a cowboy hat.

Adilene was going though a really bad stage of stranger anxiety since about her first birthday and so I wasn't sure how she was going to do.  I set her on Santa's lap and she just looked at his beard and tried to figure it out.  She was good for about 10 seconds, just long enough to get some pictures before she started crying.

 We went back to playing and then Santa came in that room to play with the kids.  Blaiden thought he had made a new best friend! All he wanted to do was play with Santa.

It was a great day and I think the kids a wonderful time.

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