March 5, 2015

Blaiden is 3!

Three Years Old

My Appearance:  I am getting so BIG! My official stats are I am 39.75 inches tall, that’s over 3 feet! I weigh 33 pounds.  I like getting haircuts because Dad and I do it at home and I look just like him.  I have the prettiest eyes that are mostly blue but they have a hint of green on the outside.  I am in size 4T clothes for the most part but the waist is usually way to big, and size 8 shoe.  I have very long legs that are always covered in bruises because I fall a lot.  I have all my teeth now and when I am asked how many I have I say “2 one on top, one on bottom. 

Milestones:  Something big that has happened this last year is I am now potty trained.  Once I got over being scared of the potty it was really easy.  I rarely have any accidents. I am talking nonstop these days.  People still have a hard time understanding me and this gets me very frustrated at times.  I haven’t figured out how to use different tenses of the words yet and so Mom says I talk very cute.  There have been a ton of other things that I have done but it is hard to remember all the little stuff over the past year. 

Daily Routine:  In the morning I usually wake up a little before 7.  I get a little snack and wake up for a bit, and then Mom makes me a good breakfast of oatmeal or pancakes with sprinkles.  It is a real treat when she cooks bacon!  After breakfast it’s a day full of playing!  Some of my favorite things to do are kick and hit balls, jump on the couch, build forts, be outside, play with play doh, and play with Mom and Dad’s phones.  I am busy all day and I only take a nap about half of the time.  When I take a nap it pushes my bed time back to around 9 but if I don’t then I go to bed around 7:30.  I get to go and play with kids 1-2 times a week and I love it.  I tell Mom that when I am 5 I am going to school and will play with kids all day.  Meal times are getting a little better and I am actually starting to like meat which my parents love.  I also love banana smoothies that Mom makes for me.  I have about 4 a week!

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