April 20, 2017

April Fools Day

I am so excited I am blogging about April in April!!  Hopefully that means I won't have to do monthly posts anymore and can just blog about things as they happen!

Blaiden always says how he doesn't like jokes.  My family jokes a lot and so when my dad or brothers joke with Blaiden he doesn't really like it.  Fred and I were talking to Blaiden about April Fools Day with him and explaining that it was a day to just play funny jokes on people.  He didn't really understand and didn't really want to participate.  That morning Fred had to go to work and told Blaiden before he left that he had some surprises in the house. 

A while later I went over to the sink and Fred had put a rubber band around the sprayer and so I got wet when I turned the faucet on.  Blaiden thought that this was so funny and even had to test it out himself.  That is when he really got into things and we came up with a few tricks to get Fred back.  First we went to his work and hid his truck, then we set Oreo's out to apologize but we filled them with toothpaste, and last we put toys in his shoes. 

We played a few more tricks on the kids where we gave them suckers but really it was broccoli on a stick.  Adilene was not impressed and Blaiden thought it was funny but still a little sad there wasn't a real sucker.  The last thing we Fred did was fill Blaiden's pillow with balloons before bedtime.  At this point he was over all the jokes and got a little grouchy.  Overall he had a good day and is planning jokes to play on people next year. 

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