September 24, 2012

Saying goodbye...

Blaiden and I had to make an unexpected trip back to Colorado last week for a very sad event.  On Sunday September 2nd my uncle Blane was up in the mountains camping with his family.  A tradition they had done for years.  That night he had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital, he fought very hard for almost 5 days but he did not make it.
The next day Blaiden and I headed home to be with our family.  It is amazing how just being with family during hard times makes it a little more bearable.  We stayed home for a week and spent as much time with all of the Larsen's as possible.  Blane was a great Uncle and I will miss him dearly.
On Friday September 14th, a day before we came back home, Blane's daughter, Kella, had her baby.  It was a bittersweet moment for our family but I feel so blessed that I got to meet little Dempsey and didn't have to wait until we went back in December.

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