July 29, 2014

My First Garden

A few years back when we lived in Missouri I tried to make a few square foot gardens.  They were growing great and then our backyard flooded and in the four feet of water they floated away.  The last weekend in May we decided to take the plunge and do the work to make our own garden.  We wanted to transplant the grass to an area that our pool deck use to be.  It was a lot of work but the before and after pictures are pretty great.  Fred worked hard all day and Blaiden had a great time riding around in the wheel-barrel.  I planted a bunch of different things but I am most excited about the green beans and pumpkins.  I don't know much about what to do so this year is more of an experiment/learning year. I am hoping it turns out great but out of the 5 houses on our street my garden looks the worst.  I am hoping that it doesn't look this bad the entire time.

Update:  The garden is growing and looking pretty good.  It is still the smallest one on our block but I am happy with it being the first time I have really grown anything.  My pumpkin plant died and my green bean plants didn't do that well when I planted them outside. 
 This week so far I have picked 5 zucchini and a couple handful's of green beans.  I have a ton of tomatoes growing and my carrots and broccoli will be ready in a few weeks. 

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