January 31, 2017


December started off great.  Adilene started preschool the 1st of the month. She goes 3 days a week and has a hard time at drop off but after about 10 minutes in the class she is busy having fun.  Fred is living and working in Columbus this month and so we took a trip down to go visit him after about a week of him being gone.  Fred is living in a hotel so we got to go swimming and then went to a mall with a kids play place.  We ended the night with dinner at the hotel and then I had to drive home so the kids could go to school the next day.  We got to do some fun Christmas things and I took the kids to drive around and look at lights several times but we saved the really awesome houses when Fred was home. 

We made a second trip up to see Fred on a weekend so we could spend the night. We took the kids to the children's museum and they had a blast. Blaiden still talks about all the things we got to do and asks when can we go back.

The week before Christmas the kids were off school and so we did crafts, went to the movies, baked cookies, and delivered gifts to our friends.  Two days before Christmas Adilene got a fever and so I had to take her to the hospital.  Fred was still working in Columbus and so I had to take Blaiden with me. I was so worried that we would have to spend Christmas in the hospital again. Fred was on call and as soon as he got off on Christmas Eve morning he came and picked up Blaiden.  Adilene and I got the good news a little later that day that after getting another dose of antibiotics we could go home. 

Christmas was so fun and the kids had a great day.  Adilene wasn't feeling 100% but she still had fun opening and playing with all her toys.  Blaiden was so excited for the day and he loved everything he got.  He played all day longs and declared it the best day ever!

New Year's Eve day Adilene got another fever and we were back in the hospital.  It was about an exact repeat of the week before.  Fred was on call again and he didn't get any sleep the night before so after he drove the 2 hours back home I just told him to take a nap and I would keep Blaiden up at the hospital and we would be home later that night.  It was and interesting end to the year.

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