January 7, 2017


It is sad that I am so far behind on the blog that I have to look back thought my photos to see what happened this month. 

It looks like all of our adventure in Florida last month took a toll on Adilene.  She had a big drop in all her numbers and needed a few blood transfusions.  She couldn't leave the house most of the month but Fred has some time off so it helped out a lot.  Blaiden had a school field trip to the fire station and He really loved it.  He also helped me make goodies for his class party.

We spent a lot of the month trying to get him to decide on a costume for Halloween.  He finally settled on a Power Ranger.  We gave Adilene a lot of options and she choose Elsa from Frozen.  Adilene no longer sits still for pictures.  Every picture I have of her is blurry.  We also had a good time going to pick out our pumpkins this year.  I tried to grow them in the garden again this year but we got 0 pumpkins this year. 

Adilene's numbers all came up just before Halloween and so it worked out perfect to go to a few parties.  The kids had a great time.  Halloween in our neighborhood happens the Sunday before Halloween.  We were happy we had already been to an indoor party because it was a cold a rainy day and we didn't stay out long.  Blaiden always enjoys passing out the candy more then walking around because he gets to see all the costumes. 

Adilene is always blurry...  I am afraid that we are going to go years without good pictures of her because she never stops moving!

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